The school-to-prison pipeline is aided by a lack of empathy in current school discipline systems. Suspension removes students from the place they are meant to learn, leading to increased disciplinary problems later on. Restorative Justice aims to improve the cycle. However, this method relies heavily on students' verbal and communication abilities, potentially inhibiting effective problem-solving.
Token is a tactile facilitation tool for collaborative problem-solving between students and authority figures.Token enables a deeper understanding of the situation as well as any discipline that follows.
User Interviews - Both students and faculty believed that mutual understanding is essential in discipline. These interviews included nine students, three parents, a principal, a teacher, aSchool Effectiveness Specialist, a Crisis Hotline Counselor, and the CommunityEngagement Coordinator of the Deep Center (a Savannah non-profit).
Based off of our research and ideation, we developed initial concepts that responded to our persona's touchpoints. During this stage, we collaborated with local Nonprofit: Deep Center & talked with experts: Dr.Burke and Scott Boyelston.
We created 3 prototypes and sought feedback from users within our age group at each stage before reaching our final concept.
After determining our final interactions, we began to build our high fidelity prototype using Arduino.